Saturday, March 22, 2008

Project Earth Day - The Lorax

As I mentioned on my other blog, I am initiating a project for Earth Day on April 22, 2008. I am encouraging everyone to read the book "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss. It is a phenomenal example of what greed has done and will do to our environment. I am also encouraging everyone to write a letter to Mother Earth, or draw a picture describing how you can help her. Whether it's sorting and recycling in your home, or picking up garbage, switching to a more energy efficient light sources, I hope to post them all here for all to access and share.

As soon as I have it scanned, I have a picture that my daughter drew to start things going. Comments are always welcome, and your input is greatly appreciated. All the information that we gather here will make a difference. All it takes, are small, simple changes, and the results will be amazing if we all do what we can.

I am looking forward to the letters, and hope to start seeing here soon!

Thanks for being green.
Sihing Wilson

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