Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dear Mother Earth,

Mid sized automobiles emit in excess of nine metric tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. I hope to reduce the negative impact I have on you by driving less. When I do have to drive, I will use a more fuel efficient car. My Smart car uses just over 4 litres of fuel for every 100 kilometres I travel. For the few times a year that I need a bigger vehicle, I will rent one for the task at hand rather than constantly drive a larger vehicle whose features I only require intermittently.

Sifu Brinker

Haley Wilson Age 7

My letter to Mother Earth

Dear Mother Earth,

I am writing to let you know that I appreciate the efforts you make to sustain us, all those that inhabit you. You have provided us with trees to give us air, water to drink, and the animals to keep us in harmony. We survive because of all of the inhabitants and yet we take it for granted.

So many of your resources are disappearing, and we are in denial. We turned our back on you, and continue to look away. I am aware of the excess we use, and that we use more than we truly need.

I have taken it upon myself to live better, live more accountably, and to teach my children to have some respect for you. I have bought a smaller, more efficient car, I have switched to florescent lights and turn them off when I am not using them. I try to look for more environmentally friendly products and am making a bigger effort to recycle. And I will continue to look for better ways to do things.

However, I feel that my biggest difference will be made by raising awareness around me.

I hope you are still around for my children to enjoy...

Sihing Wilson

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Project Earth Day - The Lorax

As I mentioned on my other blog, I am initiating a project for Earth Day on April 22, 2008. I am encouraging everyone to read the book "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss. It is a phenomenal example of what greed has done and will do to our environment. I am also encouraging everyone to write a letter to Mother Earth, or draw a picture describing how you can help her. Whether it's sorting and recycling in your home, or picking up garbage, switching to a more energy efficient light sources, I hope to post them all here for all to access and share.

As soon as I have it scanned, I have a picture that my daughter drew to start things going. Comments are always welcome, and your input is greatly appreciated. All the information that we gather here will make a difference. All it takes, are small, simple changes, and the results will be amazing if we all do what we can.

I am looking forward to the letters, and hope to start seeing here soon!

Thanks for being green.
Sihing Wilson