Friday, April 18, 2008

Shopping bags

Dear Mother Earth,

I have decided that I am going to use re-usable shopping bags. I am the main shopper in my home and for years have been re-cycling used bags. Now I don't have to, I have purchased re-usable bags for the whole family.
My motto is every little bit helps.

Robyn Kichko

Sunday, April 6, 2008



Dear Mother Earth,

I've always found it strange that we always personify you. That we always talk about how you're in perfect harmony. You're not a you, though. You're not in perfect balance. You're an uncountable number of parts constantly shifting. You're precarious as they come--a shaky relationship between everything. I know someone who likes to say that anything more complicated than hydrogen is a statistical anomaly. I've also heard someone else say that the chances of life as complex as us forming is about the same as a tornado assembling a working plane out of a pile of parts. Lucky us, and too bad the chances at another shot are slim if this one doesn't work out.

Whenever I think about that I just marvel about how much we're blowing it. Patterns in you shift everyday, there have been huge events, cataclysm that have barely registered in this infinite relationship. We're doing such a bad job of existing we're managing to mess up one of the most haphazard systems out there. It would be impressive if it wasn't so terrifying.

When I was younger I half expected to have my adult life take place in a barren wasteland. But that would be too easy. A looming apocalypse would actually rally people, but this is slow, insidious. Instead of that, in twenty or thirty years I probably won't be able to go outside for ten minutes without SPF 100. We'll live our lives with the blinds closed, hiding from what gives us life. You'll turn on us, that shaky relationship will dissolve, become a series of tiny conflicts that will swallow us up.

So I try. I do all the things I'm supposed to: efficient car (soon to be no car), fluorescents, less water, canvas shopping bags, everything I can think of. I do it because I like the blinds open, I like the feel of grass on my feet. I do it because the other choice is destruction, probably not for me but for someone down the road. There are millions of people who almost every day quietly tell themselves it isn't too late and I try to be one of them.

Sifu Robertson

Amanda Caruso

Mason Johnston

Katie Clark

Saving the Environment

I am going to go around my neighborhood and pick up as much garbage as I can find to clean up the environment. My family composts at home to help the environment.

By Katie Clark

Teagan Prince

Chantal Prince

Morgan Bodnaryk

Friday, April 4, 2008


Dear Mother Earth,

I cherish you.

I promise to do my best in caring for you and walking gently upon your surface. I will continue to recycle, reduce my consumption, walk, bike or take transit, eat a local and organic vegan diet, and re-use what I can. This year I vow to start composting my organic waste. I know that putting it in a landfill does not allow it to decompose as it should and once I have rich fertile compost I will give it back to you to nourish your soil.

I also vow to learn more about what companies/corporations are harmful towards you and to boycott their products or services.

Thank You,
Brandi Beckett


Dear Mother Earth,
As stewards of your land my family fully recognizes it’s beauty and all it provides. We try to do our part to not over use, abuse or take advantage of this creation.
I have been involved in the oilfield for nearly 15 years, as a consultant. My fields of expertise involve environmental, reclamation and construction. I have the privilege of working with the flora and fauna which have so graciously been placed in our ecosystem. I have always taken my job seriously and utilized the most conservative means possible. A large portion of my job description is also dealing with the removal of soil prior to drilling and rig access. I’m very diligent and particular when it comes to removing the soils. Then comes the reclamation which I equally value and take great pride in returning to its natural pre-constructed state. I have also been involved in many spill and clean up projects. Bringing this land back to a clean and productive state has been and will always be a priority of mine as long as I’m working with the environment.
A rewarding part of leading this sort of working mentality is to witness my boys of 10 and 5 years old mimic my work practices in their make belief scenarios and to hear them refer to our soils as “soil”, something of value rather than, as just “dirt”!

Yours truly,
Darcy, Alana, Brandon and Kayden

By Example

Dear Mother Earth,
I am trying to do my part by being the best example I can be. My children will learn from me and hopefully a few others will too, I have found that whether your recycling or picking up garbage at the park, people will follow by example. I know it gives my environmental conscience a kick to see someone doing their part, and I hope I can kickstart a few also.
Andrea Prince

Lacey Shipalesky Age 4